House of Commons
Public Administration Select Committee
Crime Statistics Inquiry

Tue 19th Nov 2013 9:30am

Or via YouTube:

HoC PASC Crime Stats - Tue 19/11/13 - Evidence submitted: written & oral (.pdf / text)

Crime statistics revelations: Will they be Dama-scene or just last seen (again) or the last scene, finally?

Contains information licensed under the Non-Commercial Government Licence v1.0

A Leader For The(se) Times


A whistleblower's Call To Attention

Miscellaneous Links
  1. 1939 Ask a Policeman
  2. 24th Aug '09 Report says CCTV does NOT cut crime
  3. 5th Nov '09 Dara O Briain on crime statistics
  4. 5th Feb '10 Tory attacked for fiddling crime stats New Labour fiddle (04Feb10)
  5. 10th Mar '10 New Labour and police covering up UK crime stats Recorded violent crime up 40% - suits Govt to sow confusion
  6. 9th Apr '10 Discredited crime survey + Labour = falling crime
  7. 15th Jul '10 Laughable 30 year low UK crime rate
  8. 28th Dec '10 4.2 million surveillance cameras in Britain, a special report
  9. 2nd May '11 Collins fudging crime stats? (New Zealand - uncanny..)
  10. 9th Sep '12 Biological Risk Factors of Criminal Behavior
  11. 14th Jan '13 What is Criminology? What is Crime?
  12. Lectures on crime (USA) by Dr Steve Hillis:
    1. 24th Mar '13 - Measuring crime (Parts One & Two)
    2. 25th Mar '13 - Crime trends and patterns (Parts: One, Two, Three & Four)
    3. 24th Mar '13 - Biosocial theories of crime (Parts: One & Two)
    4. 27th Mar '13 - Inequality in America (Parts: One, Two, Three & Four)
    5. 27th Mar '13 - Social mobility in America (Parts: One & Two)
    6. 29th Mar '13 - Intergenerational inequality in America (Parts: One & Two)
    7. 31st Mar '13 - Racial and ethnic inequality in America (Parts: One & Two)
  13. 24th Apr '13 UK is now a 'low crime' country?!!
  14. 18th Jul '13 C4 FactCheck Q&A: Is crime really falling?
  15. 20th Jul '13 The curious case of the fall in crime
  16. 19th Nov '13 PASC - Crime Statistics I
  17. 19th Nov '13 Have police been massaging crime statistics?
  18. 19th Nov '13 Rape victims 'convinced to drop allegations', officer says
  19. 27th Nov '13 Police Fix Crime Statistics
  20. 29th Nov '13 Crime statistics 㯮fidence in numbers
  21. 5th Dec '13 Met Commissioner responds to fiddled crime stats
  22. 11th Dec '13 PASC - Crime Statistics II
  23. 16th Dec '13 Paul Krugman: Inequality is 襠defining challenge of our time

Will the Police grasp this PASC apology as a fig leaf or a nettle?

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